Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful Fall Day

Fall in Provo is the best. It's weird cause I used to live with my apartment facing the mountains really close, but now I forget to notice sometimes. We went on a walk today and the mountain was just lit on fire with fall colors-so cool! We went and collected cool looking leaves to make bookmarks out of (just put them in between two pieces of packing tape and then you can write with sharpie things like Fall 2010, botany pond etc. I have bookmarks that I made in Russia with cool flowers, bookmarks made out of flowers from me and codes fav spot etc. It's just nice to keep lil pieces with you of your past.
Church was great today. We taught the sunday school lesson today on 41-49 chapters of Isaiah talking about babylon and the incomparable qualities of Christ. We had a really sweet huge framed photograph from our friend that we used to start off with the lesson. It won some award a few years back. It's 100% real-no photo-shop, the guy really is standing there and the photographer was just taking the picture from ontop of a cliff on the shores of england somewhere. It's an amazing picture and everyone was blown away by it.

Well, Cody flies out tomorrow morning to San Antonio for his call-back interview with USAA. I'm excited to hear how it goes and his impressions of the company etc, but am kind of dreading it'll be the first time we're apart since the wedding. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of stuff to do to keep me busy and when that fails I have gilmore girls/girly movies that he normally doesn't like to watch....but'll be weird to fall asleep without his lil sleep-talking self-too quiet, haha.

Oh well, he gets back late Tuesday night-it's nothing right? right.

1 comment:

  1. aww, sad separation. I hope the interview went well! by the way, it makes me really happy that you ended up with another person who talks in their sleep ;) join the club. ben didn't used to, but ever since we had emily, he has become one.
