Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I hope everyone had a great valentines day! Mine was great inspite of being sick all thanks to my sweetheart. In the morning I came out to the kitchen table covered in fabric rose petals, a cute teddy bear sitting on top of drumroll.....you've got mail!
Now, this wasn't a surprise because the night before I was complaining to Code about how when I'm sick I have to watch you've got mail cause it has healing powers for me etc. and how I don't know why mom couldn't find it etc. Then he put on his shoes and said i'll be right back...."but where are you going?" "I'll be right back" and he was gone...
Five minutes later he came back from the car holding you've got mail. He was going to give me it on Valentines day but he couldn't wait when he heard how bad I wanted to watch it. I was so excited!!! Seriously I love this movie! I just don't feel like you get as much character development in movies anymore...

Then code picked me up from campus when i was done with my classes so i wouldn't have to walk home, and we got home there was also a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for me.

Oh but it didn't stop there-then he cooked an AMAZING dinner! we had steak marinated with this new steak sauce we found that is to die for,and twice-baked potatoes, and caeser salad---my mouth is seriously watering just thinking about it now. Then (after forcing him to work on some homework and letting me do the dishes) we went to coldstone for some icecream where we tried to guess where the different couples were in their relationship-first date, just friends, dating, etc.

then watched some episodes of lie to me-seriously addicting! Oh yeah, but we had FHE of course and I basically spent the whole time talking about how amazing he is and read some choice memories from my journal from when we were dating, and then I gave him his present. I made a desk calendar for his work-it stands up on its own, and it is full of pictures of us.

Honestly sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky, but I know I'll never figure it out so I should prolly just stop trying.

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