Sunday, March 14, 2010

musical soap box anyone? must be a music kind of day...I always get in an excited about music mood when I'm working on something which is what I was doing for my Isaiah project-composing something based on a few verses etc. I admit watching the clips below got me in the mood for moving music so I went to some of my favorites in itunes: Barber's Adagio for strings Op. 11. This piece and I go waaaaaaaaaay back.

The first time I remember hearing it-and I remember it distinctly, me and my older brother Mike were up late (shh don't tell mom and dad) playing "The Dig" an old computer game by Lucas that was sort of a mind puzzle/action type of game. Anywho, I remember specifically being really swept away by the music-even then (i was prolly 11/12) and because of that have always had this magical impression of that game (seriously i want to own it some day).

Fast forward 3 or 4 years and I was walking in the band hall at Austin High School and there was this amazingly beautiful song playing over the loud speakers that seemed so familiar and then I remembered it from the game and got all excited all over again. I stood there frozen for the remaining 5 minutes of the song just drinking it in and looked up to see my band director watching and asked what the song was, ta da: Barber's adagio for strings Op. 11.

I never forgot after that and even just now I decided to listen to it as loud as my lil toshi could go and even now I get swept away by it. I mean...maybe I'm just really weird and overly sensitive to music but I started getting choked up at the climax of the piece...I's just that nothing touches me like music does-it's like....touching heaven even if it's only for a second, it stirs the soul and just feels least, i havent' really had anything quite have the same affect on me as music-tho maybe it's different for everyone. Though, maybe nothing has come as close as music, film is probably my number two-with the right imagery and soundtrack it can have a similar effect.
anywho-one of my favorite soup boxes...I can't help but be utterly perplexed by people who don't like music-i just don't understand them. That's like saying...I don't like beautiful days, I don't particularly like breathing-psychos all of them. I mean, you don't have to be obsessed like me, least be able to FEEL something/appreciate something/be open to it.
sorry all you music haters but you best be steppin' and go listen to BARBER'S ADAGIO FOR STRINGS OP. 11 and change your life 8)


  1. The Barber Adagio is one of my favorite pieces of music. It's a big deal in my house because that's my parents' "song" which I think is adorable. It's freakishly gorgeous and has made me cry on multiple occasions, in that one part--you know the part I'm talking about.

  2. oh yes...yes I do- it's around 4:45 into it ;)

  3. That was our ballad my first year in marching band, epic song.
