Tuesday, May 11, 2010


It's been so interesting interacting with all the different people I have around me lately. I'm suddenly noticing more the different stages we are all at. I have some friends who are younger-just starting college, a brother who is just starting a mission, a brother who is married with 4 kids, current friends who are engaged-soon to be married (this sat), friends who are recently married, friends who have been married a year or two, newly expecting for the first time friends, friends who are retired and empty nesters, all at different stages and what's the constant over-lapping theme? Their best friend/companion/spouse/however you wanna say it.

It's just real cool to see where I've been and a sneak peek at what's coming down the road knowing that I'll have a constant too. It's hard to think of any situation or problem that would REALLY make me panic as long as I knew code would be with me. Whatever happens we'll cope and deal with it together and it's just really....cool for lack of a better word. Also, it just reinforces to me the need to truly enjoy every step of every stage-all stages have difficulties, it's just a given cause otherwise we'd get bored and lazy, but there's ALWAYS joy to be derived even if it's just from the fact that we're together.

so many people have mentioned that they wished they had just eloped or not cared so much about little details when it came to their wedding and I am grateful for the reminder. I really want to enjoy every part of this wedding process and feel confident that I will-sure there will be stressful times but as long as I keep focused on what's REALLY important than I won't care about the little stuff and everything that works out will just be an added perk.



  1. Who's my eternal companion?? Your constant isn't very sound...

  2. hey my eternal companion still existed even when I was single my friend

  3. That's true for your older brother "scruffy the janiter" too!
