Saturday, May 8, 2010

today was a good day. Had an interview that resulted in me getting an internship at the springville museum of art for the fall/winter semesters which I'm pretty excited about-can finally get some experience and learn what skills i need etc 8)
then it was off to pull weeds at President's. Still no job yet but i've managed to start working for President again until I do find something. Went walking around center street with the Louders and ran into some friends and ended up talking on a street corner for awhile-fun stuff. (i know i sound sarcastic but it was fun). Tomorrow is the temple in Ogden for one of Cody's cousins and then wedding planning with drea and dinner with the louders/and games. Sunday we're gonna go have dinner with Kris' family-can't wait! haven't seen them FOREVER 8)
....hmmm.....I've just now remembered why I should not write blog posts when I'm tired-it turns into an itenerary....oh well, i started well enough.


  1. Congratulations on getting the internship. Way to go kiddo!

  2. You are going to end up being the female version of Ross on friends. please set us all up with a midnight personal tour of the museum ASAP
