Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear Life...I'm still alive.

Whew....crazy crazy week. Started off kind of shaky but it's ok-I'll live (my mantra at the moment, haha). So I just have to survive the next week. The major sources of stress at this point are: a paper for my capstone class, a presentation on that paper (this is the real kicker for me), and finishing my final education proposal for my museum class and the presentation. Not to mention my actual finals but whatever-one disaster at a time ;)
Tomorrow is booked solid which is NOT normal for me on a Saturday. At ten I have a group meeting at the library, then it's over to the museum to help them with the opening of the Christmas Lamb It's the first show where I actually decided what went into it and nailed it up on the walls (with the help of crystal and kristal-have to distinguish the spellings there)so it's pretty exciting ;) It's a show for K-10th grade and they have to do something based on the spirit of christmas/giving. It's pretty cute so you should stop by the Springville Museum of Art sometime this month and look at all the kids' work :)
Anywho...after that there's baby shower planning at 4:00 tomorrow and then I'm technically free but I have the paper/museum proposal to work on so sadly my Saturday will not be that relaxing...oh well, I guess that's what Sunday is for!

This upcoming weekend we will be at Harry Potter World in Florida-yeah don't even worry-there will be plenty of pics- I can't wait!

p.s. Relient K's new cd (well it came out in 2009) is awesome!!!! check it out-my favorites: savannah, candlelight, baby, (if you want it), Forget and not slow down,

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