Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, this is ridiculous how amazing I feel! The best that I can describe it is walking off of the plane and stepping foot on american soil after living 1.5 years over in Russia. You feel just overwhelmed with color and life and smiling people. And it's not that I was miserable over in Russia-I loved it, but you just get used to your environment and forget what any other reality is like until you are removed from it. The past two months have been RIDICULOUS for me. All of my assignments/tests/papers/projects all were spaced out just enough so that it was just a constant feeling of an elephant sitting on your chest and working with no feeling of end in sight. I definitely got better at dealing with the stress though and learned to not think but just do-work,work,work and don't think about how tired you are. Today I finally realized that I didn't have to do that anymore and now finally the feeling of how drained I am is sinking in and the delicious thought I'm done. Other than working on my present for Code I have nothing to worry about nothing to feel guilty about not doing. done. Oh man, I feel like when you get off a sweet roller coaster and you feel all weak and dizzy and your head can't believe you're on regular ground again.

And speaking of sweet roller coasters-stay tuned for the next installment of our universal studios trip :)

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