Saturday, January 8, 2011

moments that I treasure:

waking up slow with Code. You see, so many people think: eyes open, ok, time to get up, but that is not how I roll. I fully enjoy the being awake yet not physically moving whatsoever and not feeling rushed. Sure I can get up and go go go if I have to but def not my preferred method of waking up.

actually getting into a basketball game at BYU! yay! It was a good game, we won, and I think my favorite part is between the praying person accidently almost saying baseball when she meant basketball and the lil' mini cheerleaders' routine-they were so cute! I seriously can't wait to have kids just to see them do things like that whether it's dance, sports, band, etc. it's just so much fun to watch!

Looking at art with Code. The MoA on campus has a Carl Bloch exhibit and a Tissot exhibit downstairs-both on the life of Christ but both different in interesting ways-check it out if you haven't already cause the Tissot won't be around for long!

Going to "Chocolate" in Orem yeah, I don't think explination is needed on this one.

feeling dumb while doing "punch!" in the living room...I dunno..I just don't think I'm believable throwing punches and doing the boxer shuffle but at least it's a work out, haha.

1 comment:

  1. Was the work out very hard? You just have to imagine you are punching your brothers out after they've been teasing you ...again!!!
