Friday, August 7, 2009

dear dream diary...

The past few nights I've had crazy weird dreams-and if not weird, a ton more than normal. The night before last I think I had a dream every few minutes and I'd keep waking up and I got so confused cause I'd start having realistic dreams like: I dreamt (sp?) that I was asleep in bed, and woke up from the alarm and got out of bed and started saying my morning prayers in russian and then I woke up and didnt' know if that really happened and I went back to sleep or if it was a dream etc.
Then last night I had a dream that combined: Harry Potter 7th book, twilight, and some past drama all in one. was weird and I woke up feeling like I only got 5 minutes of sleep. Ya know you look tired when your mom asks: "whoa....are you ok?" when she sees in you the morning.

I would like to go to bed now.

p.s. went to the natural science museum yesterday with the girls = lots of fun. And I'll prolly get my hair done tomorrow for school= exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for your hair. I had a dream last night that was a mix between high school musical and heros. Zack Effron was with me and protecting me from people trying to kill me. Sadly enough it wasn't scary for me, I was more interested in Zack and how he was mine, but we weren't dating. Jack didn't like it.
