Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays

It's amazing how fast it can suddenly feel like Christmas. All you need are a few million frozen pieces of water and a string of lights and you're ready for some holiday cheer. Today was a good day. One of those days where you feel warm fuzzies-yes, today i was living in a hallmark card. Of course it wasn't warm and fuzzy for everyone, in fact, for some it was down right cold and hard-I saw three people biff it today hardcore. We're talking classic slipping gags you see in the cheesy comedy movies where they flail their arms and land on their back etc. I grimaced every time-it's only a matter of time people.
While I was waiting for our ward party to start I meandered in the bookstore and found crime and punishment for five bucks and figured since i hadn't read any of the classics from dostoevsky or tolstoy i should start, AND found a book that has been on the best-sellers list that i've been meaning to read- something about three cups of tea? anywho, I got them and am sooo excited to start them!
For our ward party we had dinner from zupas and then went christmas caroling( one l or two?) to some less active/non members around here and it was so much fun! I don't mean to brag but our group sounded good 8) Then I got to watch one of my favorite movies with my favorite spaz over hot cocoa.
Tomorrow is gonna be fun too-if Dad manages to get in tomorrow we're gonna go out to eat and then to the bball game!
Here's to sleeping all snuggled up in your bed while snow is falling outside.