Saturday, October 30, 2010

Grand Unveiling!


before we put the legs on our table and had food other than cereal ;)




the couch-hands down my fav piece of furniture!

our keyboard that cody bought when I started my piano class this semester 8)

tv stand


a cool shell and painting we got in the bahamas

random decor

A souveneer (sp?)that cody brought back from Houston-I want to get a magnet everytime we go somewhere so we can look at our fridge and see where we've been. Also, we got the cute baby announcement from carrie and bret (hopefully you guys don't mind that there's an armadillo seemingly attacking your baby's cute face ;)


  1. On the 5th picture down Cody is sitting on the floor with some legs straight up on his left and I thought ...what is Whitney doing over there? (Laying on her back with her legs straight up in the air???) Then I realize oh wait, that's not Whitney it's the "manikin guy" who is no more! Hah!!!

  2. Haha, I was wondering what those legs were. Good to know.
    Your apartment looks so cute! And we are ok that an armadillo is attacking Davis. He can take it.
