Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stress. Isn't it about....time?

Have you ever thought about the concept of time? I'm sitting in the library attempting to write out a research paper that is due Monday in one fell swoop....well I got it half done anyway, and I started thinking about time. What an unnecessary concept. Think about it. It is the source of your stress, your rising blood pressure, and headaches. Just think of how many things that have gone wrong that you chalked up to "bad timing". I mean, time is really a man-made concept anyway and yet we are always complaining that we don't have enough of it....well, you made it up so make up some more of it-shrug, what's the difference.

Time came about in order to make man feel better because man just can't seem to accept chaos. It helps man find meaning. I have two weeks to do this assignment, I can sleep for 5 hours before I need to get up and do something else etc. Well ya know what? there can be meaning in the chaos and rather than focusing on how many things we can cram into an alotted time frame, we can actually focus on what we're DOING and find meaning in that. Embrace the chaos baby-you don't need fluffy time. The only problem is that I have to convince the rest of the world of this otherwise I'll just seem apathetic and late all the time and will most likely flunk out of college.'s late, better get going. (see?!)


  1. Whit! Where are you guys going for Christmas?

  2. We're going to be in Houston w/ my fam for xmas and looking for possible future apartments. Where are you guys going to be?
