Saturday, November 20, 2010

well this weekend was kind of a wash for me-Friday was good-went out to eat,lost and found my ring, and watched harry potter. Today started pretty good. I slept in and Cody made an amazing breakfast. I went out to print out the tickets to the football game and buy Cody a beanie cause it was going to be a cold and windy one.

Somewhere between the course of leaving and coming back and doing some errands with code my energy/health kind of spiraled. The typical things- weak, achey, chilled. I don't think it's that big a deal and after some serious sleep I think I'll be brand new-shrug, just weird how fast it came on...must have been the weather change. Code went to the game and I dutifully watched on the couch glad that I decided not to subject myself to that-I would have been a mess if I had.

We watched Meet Joe Black-code had never seen it. I love this movie. I love the messages. I love the soundtrack-thomas newman (highly recommend him). My favorite line from this movie is when Joe (Pitt's charater) asks Quincey (George Sr. from arrested development, haha) how you know someone loves you and Quincey replies: because they know the worst thing about you and it's ok.

It got me thinking about love and how come everyone (well most) seem to desire it, seek it, and sacrifice for it.
I think it's cause we realize that it is an eternal and unwavering thing in a very temporary and always-shifting world. Man whether consciously or not seeks the eternal. We sense that there is something beyond this frail existence. We're just lucky to get to experience a piece of it-love- in this life, but it existed before we entered the scene and it will exist after we leave here-just like we do. I'm sure it reminds us of that place where we were before we were here and reminds us that there is more to this life than what we simply see.

I dunno...I'm just greatful for code. Greatful that, even though we are at the beginning of our lives together, our love will have so much opportunity to grow. Sure there will be ups and down, times when our short-comings and frailities will sometimes cloud our judgement, but through those times our love can grow stronger, deeper. Every day I wonder how I got so lucky, what I did to deserve him. I don't think I'll ever find an answer, just that there is a wonderful, loving, and merciful Heavenly Father who wants me to be happy, even when i don't always deserve it. As beautiful as the depictions of love in film are, they really pale in comparison.

1 comment:

  1. Sad that you missed your last "official" home game as a student. Even sadder that you're not feeling well. Get better soon!
