Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lazy, Rainy, Saturday....

It is cold and rainy today....and I am feeling so tired/lazy. As it turns out yesterday was a big day for me physically speaking. It was the first day that I went all day without any real breaks/naps like earlier in the week which I could do but I was soooo drained by the end of it. So at the museum we were rushing to get all the labels cut and put up in the downstairs galleries,and I unknowingly created a great new work out. The labels had been placed on the floors infront of the respective paintings that they belonged to. Well I proceeded to go around with the measuring stick and put them up with sticky tack. Since there are rarely surfaces that you can lean on easily, I would just go to a pic, blance the stick on the wall, and squat down and use my leg as a surface to balance the label and put the sticky tack on the labels, then I would pop up and put it on the wall and move on to the next painting. Well I was doing lunges up and down three galleries yesterday and I am FEELING it today!
Also last night after the museum we met up with some old friends at iceberg where we quickly learned that it is a high school hangout when people who came in every five minutes would start cheering (high school basketball....I know, what a joke). But man they had huge shakes. Then afterwards we played munchkin with the Engstroms for the first time-it was pretty fun but we were way tired and didn't finish til after midnight.
After sleeping in today I half did the laundry (Cody carried it back when it was done and folded), practiced piano for an hour, took the piano midterm, and watched the BYU game. I was so tired during and after the game that I took a power nap which, sadly, has not left me feeling powerful. It's cold and rainy and I feel tired and lazy....especially knowing that Monday is off school and I can work on my paper all Monday(it's only a rough draft-not the final thing or anything). Plus tonight Code and I want to watch what lies beneath and have a halloween-like dinner (chili and cornbread). Hmmm....


  1. what lies beneath? another one that reminds me of you! good choice.

  2. it was sooo good and Cody totally freaked out at the part where Harrison Ford's character pulls his wife forward to look at the necklace that's around the back of her neck as she's paralyzed in the bath tub and let's her fall back and her face turns into the decaying face of the girlfriend he killed-cody totally jumped and almost threw my legs off of him, haha :)
