Sunday, February 6, 2011

time warp

So incase you were wondering how cold it is here in of the sprinklerheads in the ceiling of our ward building froze and burst leaking about 2 inches of water every where on the floor of the chapel/gym areas (I guess the surrounding classrooms were unharmed.) Though today it's actually really beautiful :) So since our building is in the process of being dried out and smells, we went to a local singles ward. It was good for us to go back because it really makes us soooo appreciative to be married and out of that world :)
Some interesting observations that I hadn't noticed before:

-It takes awhile for people to find a seat and sit down in a singles ward during the prelude music. They're all socializing and stuff and the marrieds walk in, find their seat, and then proceed to talk with whoever is in the immediate vacinity. I guess that extra desire to talk to that special someone drives them to socialize even more, but we already got our special someone to talk to so we get to relax.

-Also there is a LOT of neck craning going on in a singles ward. hahaha it is so funny. Here's a typical group of guys: one is looking at one side of the chapel, one is looking at the other, and one keeps turning around and looking over his back at who is coming in. I swear I thought they were going to give themselves whiplash :)

-So today was fast and testimony meeting (that means that basically there are no scheduled sermons but people can just come up and share their beliefs/faith promoting experiences etc.) I never realized how there's always a line in a singles ward....If you wanna go you have to get up right away and then sit in a line up in front of everyone until you go....I guess I just forgot about that cause in our ward if you wanna bare your testimony you get up and do it and no one else gets up while you're doing it until you're done and then it's more a matter of standing up before anyone else and walking up rather than spending half of the meeting up on the stands. Interesting...but helpful, so that the whiplash gang doesn't have to fight to see you :)

Don't get me wrong-some of my best memories and friends are from my singles wards...I'm just so glad that I'm done with that. I don't have to deal with FHE groups who aren't your family, ward prayer in the middle of your night, and break the fasts. Life is much simpler and far more enjoyable now being married-it's up to you to do those things how you want to: f.h.e, family prayer,...eating...haha.

For any who are still sufferi...i mean enjoying singles wards-that's great, have fun! but know that it gets sooooo much better, and it's prolly good that you don't realize how good it'll be or it'd drive you crazy ;)

Today's activities included: starting a baby documentary-ya know, the one where it follows four different babies in different cultures/places around the world from africa to america? was gross, haha, maybe we were just weak from fasting but I didn't feel like watching a baby poop on its mother's leg and then watch as she took an old corn husk and wiped it off...I'm sure it gets cuter when they're older we watched UP instead :)
Then it was Cody's german dish: beef goulash,rolls,strawberries,and cookies for dessert (sorry for the anal report but I'm still revelling in the whole eating thing).
And since it's such a nice day we may just go for a walk in a bit and then it's game night with the engstroms and brownings.
life is good.


  1. It doesn't get any cuter. I hear it(the poop) just gets grosser

  2. yeah but after a few years ya don't have to look anymore :)

  3. Well ...until the next little "pooper" comes along then you have to start all over again!
