Saturday, February 7, 2009


Was there a specific day we would go there? it seemed we just went there all the time- half off appetizers after nine or something like that...we went there tonight for dinner and it was ok, but provo is better. It was always so fun, going and getting one of the amazing desserts and just chatting etc. I miss it. but I'm happy everyone is doing good and we'll see each other soon enough 8) which reminds me...i need to get going on that dress....hmm...not my fav pass time-searching for modest clothing in Houston, ugh!
I officially finished my first week of work as secretary-I like it so far, I just hope I'll continue to like it when we're in the office-def. won't be as homey as...out of his home.....sheesh.

I'm really wondering how to help fix it...but that's just the problem, it's not my decision. It reminds me of on the mission when President Harrison gave a great thought on Acting and being Acted Upon. It makes no sense to be angry because someone "made" us mad/sad etc because that's impossible. No one can "make" you mad-no one can "make" you anything, only you can. Only you can make that choice-however unconscious-it's a choice, and the more consciously we strive to make our choices and be aware of our decisions then the less likely we will accidentally choose to be mad etc. I think too often people think too much and that's where half of our problems come from. They over think, over analyze everything. They let their situations/environment control and sway them which makes life about a 100x's harder because it's based on something you can't control-an imperfect volatile world. Maybe that's one reason why I'm not the HUGEST fan of philosophy. Don't get me wrong-I like it, and I think a lot of people had a lot of inspired ideas and it's interesting, seems that most of the time they over think and worse than that-they're all leaning on their own understanding which naturally is not complete rather than relying on the spirit. And help lead more people off into strange paths. Anywho, yea for random tangents.
so the moral of the story is:
act and do not be acted upon= happiness in life.
see? you didn't think it was that simple did you? (tsk tsk) over thinkers....

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