Saturday, February 14, 2009

the cost of 4 packages from Dell......a dead cat and a headache.

What a weekend....if I was going for restful I did not achieve my goal. Friday right after work I went over to Allison's and watched the kids-everythign went smoothly, just was tired. Then I slept in this morning causing us to miss the ten o'clock session at the temple so we just did some other stuff and the one other bright spot of the day: went to the nauvoo book store and I got some new books-discourse of Brigham Young, and teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, the Mountain of the Lord dvd-really grew to like it a lot in the MTC, and a cool new journal which prolly won't get written in for another 6 months/ to a year since I haven't started in the journal that mom got me for christmas. Anyway, after all that, we ate out at some chinese resteraunt-not bad.
Then I went over to my boss' house to babysit while they had a late valentine's lunch. Everything was going ok at first. A package guy came by with a bunch of stuff from dell for the new office we'll be moving into next week and I knew I had to sign the package, otherwise he wouldn't leave the stuff there and we need these to get started. The problem lying in that they have two big dogs that were going nuts at this guy. So I managed to go outside and close the door to sign his thing etc and waited til he was gone before i opened the door again and they were calm. I moved the packages inside being careful to be between them and the door, but I must have not been as careful after the last package because they hadn't made any attempt so far to get out and I didn't close the door right away. Daisy-the younger of the two, shot outside with timmy following behind. They don't have collars or any identification making catching them really hard-nothing to hold on to. So I run after them/yelling at htem and they take off down the culdesac and are in some neighbor's garage sniffing around. I could see really quickly that yelling at them didn't do anything-they obviously do not feel the need to answer to me and ran to another house and the gate was open, so they ran back there-i'm only thinking (what if they hurt a kid or get hit by a car etc and all the trouble they would be in because I didn't close the door fast enough. So I'm chasing unsuccessfully and finally give up and call my boss for help. He said that this happens sometimes and I just need to get some deli meat and their leashes and lure them into the house etc. By the time I got back outside they weren't there anymore but I heard barking on the next street over so I took off after them and saw timmy's tail behind some bushes by the porch of one house. As I got closer I realized that Daisy was biting something....
a CAT! She was shaking it like crazy and I started freaking out and yelling at her at the top of my lungs and she took off away from the cat but it was obvious that it was already dead. I don't remember how but Daisy got a hold of it again and took off with it back towards our street and all I'm thinking is-we're so dead. These people are going to freak out and order that the dog be put down and their lil daughter will be traumatized for life and WHY does this always happen to me when I'm baby sitting! (and by "this" i dont' mean crazed dogs killing cats, but just bad luck)
So I call them back and say: sorry, but you guys have to come home now, daisy killed a cat.
I won't lie, the whole time I was praying for help cause as I'm chasing these dogs around there's a five year old and an 8 month old unsupervised in the house (of course the baby was in a bouncy chair-stationary and the five year old watching her but still). Five minutes later a car pulls in the driveway but it wasn't my boss-it was actually a young couple i recognized from the ward that happned to stop by to drop off some valentine's day cookies (coincidence? i think not)

So at this point daisy is chewing on the cat in the neighbor's yard (i didn't approach cause everytime daisy ran further) they helped me get the dogs in the back yard and put the cat (which didn't have collar/identification-hopefully a stray?) in a garbage bag in the garage and waited for them to get back-direct answer to my prayers.
They were really cool about it and didn't blame me-actually were worried that i'd feel bad etc. The rest of the night went fine but man....that dog....i don't think she'll ever work her way out of the dog house with me (no pun intended)
sorry to all you cat lovers....I would say: no cats were harmed in the making of this but....well, that would be a down right lie.

i'm wiped out and need to get up early tomorrow to go over my lesson so i think i'll call it a night. And who said baby sitting wasn't exciting???
i also feel like i have no time at all because i got like 4/5 new books today and want to read all of them right now, but am too tired, and no time-argh.
i hate that: too many books, too little time.

realizations made today:
1.Amanda went through the temple today!!!! I thought about you as I was there 8) 8) 8) you'll have to call me and tell me how it went
2. A young girl that we found a week or two before i went home (galya) got baptized today!!!!! She is soooo great and golden!!!!!!
3. I've been home from the mish for one month today.!

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