Wednesday, February 3, 2010

eurika! (not the castle)

So I figured I'd catch up on some pics from this semester so far:

So this is what I came home to when I got back from xmas break and a note and chocolates waiting in my room-yeah, I pretty much have the best bf ever.

us at the aquarium in SLC

yup, I touched that.

us at the game with our sweet seats thanks to Nate

Lefleur's favorite


  1. Oh man ...I knew I shouldn't have read this. What? A fake John/smoke monster? NOOOooooo!!!! We recorded Lost so we could watch the BYU basketball game and for those fickle fans who didn't attend the home game ...well they won easily even though they didn't have to play too hard. The coach said they looked tired! Fighting with Utah takes a bit more energy than you might think. We were saving Lost for tonight (after I get home from New Beginings). Oh well bad!

  2. don't worry it's not quite as ridiculous as it seems...ok, maybe it is...but it's still cool

  3. Ok now that I've watched it ...I'm soooo confused!!!!
