Sunday, February 21, 2010

psycho shower scene

So I was finishing up my shower when I felt somewhere deep down in the core of my being something falling off of the side of our tub. Now, you must know that with three girls sharing the same shower there is no doubt a plethera of products because all know girls need (not want, but NEED): shampoo, conditioner, razor/shaving creme(if you're feeling ritzy), body wash, and a loofa-see below for an example if you're not sure what that is boys:

So with three girls and no real shelf space in the shower we get pretty creative when it comes to storage space (basically the entire rim of the bathtub and corners are used. So anywho, i'm finishing up and out of nowhere something hits my left ankle right around the ankle bone/ which i'm not sure if this is a funny bone but it had a similar effect,i couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. So I look down at the offending bottle mentally sending it to shampoo hades and then I look at my leg. No way did that bottle do that to my leg! I mean...I seriously had to stand there wondering if I had somehow had that before and just not noticed it? but oh no, it was from that this point i was more impressed than mad, i mean..seriously, i don't even know how the bottle would have to hit me to do that. Now that i've talked it up and you're on the edge of your seats wondering what happened?! It just made this long scrape across my ankle-didn't bleed but it's all red and puffy and this ugly bump that I'm pretty sure wasn't there before...
so yeah i could have just said a bottle hit me in the shower, but wasn't the above story much more entertaining?
don't answer that ;)


  1. Ouch! By the way could I borrow that bottle ...need to throw it at your dog! He won't stop barking!!!!! By the way they are forcasting more snow for Houston on Tuesday.

  2. copper's just a good weather forecaster that's all.
