Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So it begins...

Yup, tonight eight o'clock the final season of Lost is kicking off. I'm so excited and so curious as to how they're going to explain everything and to see how magically everyone wasn't killed by a hydrogen bomb going off inches away from them otherwise this is gonna be a really short season.
The things that I really wanna know are...what the heck happened/is going on with Claire-and does her son really matter cause that psychic way back in the day was really adament about him and that she needed to raise him otherwise bad things would happen etc. The smoke monster-of course, um...what else...will kate actually end up with anyone-i'm starting to think she doesn't deserve to. what was the deal with jack's dad showing up randomly. what is the island REALLY/what's the big deal with it and who is going to live/or come back from the dead-anything is possible.
oh so good!
amas day


  1. My theory? I think when Jack was coming back from Australia with his dad's body/coffin the plane really did crash. Jack ended up in a coma and that along with going through alcohol withdrawal gave him some crazy dreams. On the last show of the season he'll wake up from his coma ...kind of like Dorothy in the "Wizard of Oz" and all the main characters will be gathered around his bedside to welcome him back to the land of the living. That way they don't have to explain anything ...it was all just a figment of his imagination!!!

  2. That would be like a giant middle finger to every one who has been watching since '04.
