Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Adventures and Lessons of a new wife

WOW what a crazy couple of weeks!! Of course, crazy in a good way :)
So the wedding was AMAZING and everything just went so smoothly and on time-no complaints. I'm DYING to see the pics though-we should have those by next week-I'm basically chomping at the bit because it's such a whirlwind day that it's hard to keep it concrete in your mind and I know Brandee got some cool pics of things that we didn't get much of a chance to see being in an area greeting people for most of the night. I definitely decided that going to someone else's reception is SO much more fun than having one-you can look at everything, wander around, do what you want etc. But it was still way fun and we're looking forward to our open house in sugar land this weekend since it'll just be fun already being married and all-just show up and chat with people and get loads of presents 8)

So I will write an entry all on the honeymoon with pics and fun stories but I don't have the camera on me at the moment (currently in the library). So as far as our new apartment goes we are 75% there. We have all the furniture set up except the bedside table and a few things left to unpack or organize better, but we're soo close. Now's the fun stuff where we will start hanging up clocks and pictures and paintings that we have. Ok, so that makes us sound all ritzy when we only really have two paintings-one a beautiful print of the savior in a pretty frame from my mission president and the other a beautiful comissioned painting of fallen monarchs by william bliss baker that cody did for my birthday. It's still in the tube and we just need to get a nice frame but I'm SOOOO excited to have my own space and fill it with great books and art and just....sigh....anywho.

So some fun lessons that I've learned since becoming a married woman:

1. Don't forget that you put oven mits in what seems like an oven drawer when you're not sure it's really an oven drawer....yeah...it was a broiler tray...."Wow...our oven smells really smokey..like a campfire..." cody runs over and opens the "drawer" revealing the blackened smoking oven mits....."so I guess that wasn't a real drawer then..."
2. When you're told to call and put the utilities in your name before you move in-do it right away! I came home today and went to turn on the lights-nope, the fridge was dark-no dice, but not to worry-they'll have the lights back on before 7 p.m. at the latest (oh, that's 7 p.m. tomorrow) at least we still have gas so we can have a hot shower, haha. (thus we're in the library where there's internet and...light...) I guess it's time to invest in some candles 8)

I told Cody it's important that we make all these dumb mistakes now before we have kids so that when we have our kids they'll think we are all knowing and powerful and not realize what goofballs we really are, haha

p.s. we just went crazy at target and got every boardgame that we wanted to-I'm so excited!!!!


  1. Usually I'm the one who sets the oven mitts on fire ...while I'm wearing them and taking things out of the oven! Be sure to throw the charred mitts away (outside) and leave your windows open for a little while. Your apartment will smell fresh again before you know it. Just remember to close and lock the windows before you leave or go to sleep so you won't have to share all of your awesome wedding gifts with a burglar!!!

  2. oh my goodness- lesson #1 made me laugh ESPECIALLY hard! remember that one time we tried to bake potatoes in the oven and they exploded?! i swear, i still can't figure out why. we poked so many holes in those things! i think of that experience every time i bake potatoes.
