Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today's subject: muffins

Today's subject: muffins. Now, most likely many of you will have different reactions to his subject-most of them positive...unless you don't like muffins. Now earlier today it was ten and both me and cody were working on various things and hungry. Blamo-inspiration: I'll go get some muffins and milk. It sounded so good and I remembered those HUGE otis spunkmeyer muffins my mom would get-ya know the ones to which I'm referring-the big chocolate ones with chocolate chips in it...basically eating cake for breakfast and I've always loved them. So instantly my desire is set-have to get these muffins. So I offer to go and get them cause it will be real quick right? I'll just pop into smith's and get em', be back in 5......

Well, first of all can I just say-if you want anything that is not typical staple grocery store food: bread, milk, eggs, do NOT go to Smith's cause they will not have it. At least this has been my experience-I always go there cause it's closer secretly hoping they'll have what I need but am ALWAYS dissapointed and have to make the one minute longer trip to Macey's anyways-you'd think I would just learn already.

So anywho, I'm in Smith's and yet again-no dice. Oh they have muffins-bakery baked muffins but not the glory that is otis spunkmeyer muffins. No biggie, I'm used to Smith's dissapointing me so I'm off to Macey's. I can't find them there I ask someone and they point me in the direction of the bakery-instantly I know they don't know what i'm talking about cause these would not be in the store bakery. So I figure I'll cut my losses and just go to walmart cause that's where my mom always went for groceries growing up anyway-so they had to be there......I know, I need to just learn to let things go-it's hard for me, like i'm admitting defeat or something...darn my pride/stubbornness.

So I get to walmart and yet again....nowhere.....not in the bakery section, not in the bread area, not in the breakfast area.....not even in the snack at this point i'm pretty livid-it's been building up for an hour now, I could actually feel my blood pressure rising. So I go and ask the first helper I can see and she gives me this blank stare......"have we always carried that?"......"well, all throughout my childhood...." She turns to a coworker and asks: "do you know where some otis muffins would be...." she didn't even know the name of them/hadn't even heard of them before (i thought they were a well known brand-apparently not).
Again they give me vague direction towards the bakery section-absolutely clueless.

So by this point I go back to the bread and debbie cake isle and there were muffins there...debbie cake brand muffins.....gag me. So I got them, cause I couldn't come home empty handed-not after my hour of driving around looking for them. I was upset.
like I said, I really need to learn to be more flexible and move on when something I have my hopes set on doesn't work least become more graceful at it. I'm going to have a new policy-I'll always just go to Macey's and if they don't have it, fine, I'll forget my desire and just go home-it is not worth all the gas I waste.

1 comment:

  1. I was sad to hear about the muffine crisis. Strangely after you called I was in Randle's grocery store(or Safeways in Utah) and just out of curiostiy as I was walking down the bread aisle I started scanning for muffins. Low and behold ...Otis spunkmeyer muffins right on the shelf! Chocolate chip and my personal favorite blue berry muffins. Yummm! I'll have to bring you some when I come next week.
