Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So what is it with all the tech??

So as I was impatiently waiting for my class to roll around at 1:00 so I could take my test I was talking to Code. He was telling me about the "skuttlebug" in the tech world-apparently someone got ahold of the new iphone that's supposed to be coming out soon and found out that it wasn't that cool or different from the last iphone-finally someone who sees things my way!

I swear it seems like every other day I'm hearing about something new that is coming out that everyone is excited for, and I can there have been enough time from the last thing for any excitement to build up at all??? Maybe their product would actually be distinguishable from their last product if they would-oh I dunno...wait more than 6 months-then they'll have time to get new ideas and implement them!
I thought of the perfect metaphor for how I see the constant "unveilings" of the tech world:

It's like seeing a bunch of people getting excited for a bunch of sequels of Land Before Time that are coming out in 4-6 month increments...and getting excited about each one because they think that it's somehow different/better than the original. I'm standing here wondering....ok, the original was good....but am I the only one who sees this?! It's Land Before Time 7!!....what's there to be excited about??? but they look at me like I'M the crazy one for not seeing the coolness or uniqueness of it.

But I know it saddens Code's heart to see me harp on techies so...that's all I have to say about that. :)

p.s. the flowers you see below in the pic are still sitting on our table and no, not because we forgot to throw them out. I've been changing the water periodically and, sure, they don't look as good as they did...but they are still living-it's crazy! We have the flowers that would not die-the petals aren't wilting or drooping-even the center yellow part of the daisy is starting to shed but the petals just keep on going. I wonder what the record is for keeping flowers alive in a vase/out of the ground...


  1. Haha, love the analogy! So true.

  2. According to Wikipedia, there are 12 sequels currently in circulation! Eventually they'll have to start calling it "Land During Time" or "Land Just Seconds Away From Time".
