Tuesday, January 27, 2009

high blue blood pressure

Oh man...here it comes, here comes the ulcer-not sure what's bringing it on, the fact that I've managed to eat out everyday-none of it planned by me, or the killer game I just watched. GEEZ!!! ARGH!
so it was an amazing game and pretty much the whole time we were on top of the "running utes" (this mascot/title bugs me more and more-fine, we're now the ....growling cougars, look, we can do it to but anyway...) and we went into overtime and it was even tic for tac until around a minute left and they pulled away and there were some dumb mistakes on our part and they won it. If only Tavenari (sp?) was on his game the whole time and not just the end, and if only Miles could make his free throws. O well, it was a good game/very intense/entertaining and evenly matched.
I need to watch some everwood or something to calm me down so i can sleep.

In other news I seemed to make some headway on Claire de Lune (learning it on the piano) and got the new fallout boy cd-not bad...each album is that much more different-it's just so different from where they started and I'm curious if they really are wanting to or if corporate is controlling the strings...also curious if they still are writing everything etc....would help me accept their new styles easier.
I seemed to have a governmental theme going today: watched Breach and Gaurding Tess-both FBI/CIA type stuff. man...and that guy in breach really looked a lot like him-I guess now he knows he can have a future in hollywood.

1 comment:

  1. What's with that stupid bird mascot they have now? When I went there, there wasn't any such thing. Must be trying to be politically correct or something "The Running Utes". If that's the case they need to get rid of their dumb "I'm a Utah Man" fight song too. I can't believe the woman at the U of U still put up with that!!! It's been 30 plus years and it still bugs me!
