Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Why am I SUCH a scatter brain-why?!
for the love....so monday i had my capstone humanities class on spanish baroque stuff and we needed to read a small book by today. Well my book hadn't come in yet from half.com and so I asked the teacher if I could find it in the library. he said that I prolly could-or could online as well and then offered an extra copy of a book that we would read from for friday's class. So I took him up on it and while he was giving me that he said, well if you can just read this small book tonight and get it back to me tomorrow I can loan it to you. I said sure, took it home and promptly read it and had it in my backpack all of today but today's classes were all jammed together so there wasn't really an opportune time to stop by his office and then after my last class I rushed home to meet cody at five and TOTALLY forgot to bring it back to my professor. I remembered at 6:30 and raced back on campus but of course he wasn't there and emailed him apologizing profusely and left it in his box but don't want to leave campus just yet cause I offered to bring it to him where ever he is if he needs it tonight and don't want to have to come back on campus to get it if that's the case....
I mean....he's a really young seemingly chill teacher and I just looked it up online and you can easily read it online so it's not like he absolutely couldn't prepare for tomorrow's class but I feel so bad! I just hope he emails me back soon just so i know what to expect-so i can gauge if he's mad at me or if it's no big deal to him etc otherwise going to class tomorrow will be very awkward/uncomfortable. Man I do NOT need to make an enemy out of my capstone professor-he needs to like me dang it.

sigh....I hate it when people have a reason to be mad at me but I don't know if they are or not....
(other than this lil hiccup classes are great-have already been to them all and though it may be stressful at times I know I can get through them.)

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