Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let the wild rumpus start

We went and saw this last night at the dollar theatre and....I liked it. I've heard negative reviews which is to be expected with movies that are more out there, but I really appreciated what the director was trying to portray. AND if you really wanna be picky-it was pretty loyal to the book in that the pictures were pretty connected to scenes not to mentiond direct quotes from the book as well. I mean, obviously the book is pretty surface level and all we know is he is sent to his room for being bad etc. and the movie took that string and ran with it. It was just really interesting the issues it raised with anger and the process we go through-when our tempers flare but it was interesting to see max at the end of it-being more of the adult in the group and realizing that he needed home and family despite how difficult it is etc.
anywho, if you didnt' like it-i strongly urge you to watch it again and look for the deeper issues it's dealing with/portraying. It was also cool to see the relationship with carol and EW and how it seemed like max's relationship with his sister etc.

Anywho, off the soap box now-tho, i understand if it's not someone's cup of tea-it is pretty wrenching at some parts-showing ugly sometimes uncomfortable truths/sides of ourselves etc.
off in a bit to a fireside...

Inside all of us is a Wild Thing

1 comment:

  1. I saw it, and I can appreciate the messages it is trying to send. But it was waaaaaaaaay to depressing for my taste. I suppose I could watch it more than once in my life, but I would have to be in the mood for it. At the time I was in the mood to go see a childrens movie when as it turned out I got to watch some of the more upsetting moments of my life portrayed by wild things.
