Thursday, January 21, 2010

The suck zone

Tonight was soo great! I was trying to think of how we could do a themed night with watching twister (one of my all time favs and inspirer of one of my many dreams as a kid-to become a storm chaser). But I couldn't think of anything...i mean, what dessert is connected with tornadoes etc...and then Nature stepped in and gave us a crazy wind storm- seriously, I knew our apartments weren't the best quality but this is ridiculous-i mean it sounds like someone is vaccuming/blow drying their hair constantly/high pitched whistling through our doors etc. It created the perfect mood to watch twister and gave our otherwise lil tv some cool surround sound.
I'm gonna go lay in bed now and listen to the wind howling outside


  1. I went to the Wyview chapel to print something off and when I tried to open the door to go back outside I had to really push to get it open.

  2. Nothing like those good old memories of
    "OOOk-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain..." Too bad they don't have a song about Texas hurricanes then we'd be all set!
