Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gumption. Courage, also known as bravery, fortitude, will, and intrepidity, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation...

Having this and knowing when to use it is a tricky thing. In all matters concerning myself I can use it pretty good because I know me, my abilities, limits, etc. but when dealing with other people and their personal decisions, and when trying to change their outcome/course how far do you go? How forward should you be. I mean, I may give a vague option/opportunity for them to choose something different, but I don't have the gumption to come out and say: please don't do this or that etc. I catch myself chickening out easier when it involves someone else's decisions. I mean, it is their decision in the end, I can't change that, but do I try hard enough to let my opinion be known/to give wise counsel, to help them see an option that they are blind to at the moment?

That has to be the worst feeling when you know you should do or say something but don't know how and it passes you by and you think-is what they did/decided on my head now, because I didn't give them the opportunity to turn back/away? Because I didn't speak up even though it would be really forward and nosy of me?

I don't know, but I hate feeling helpless, not knowing my boundaries. Because I care, I really do...maybe I care too much most of the time, am somehow too emotionally attached to those around me, really care even though our relationship is pretty surface level-i still care deep. People may think I'm being nosy or butting in where I don't belong, but it's not out of any personal pleasure in being in "the know" it's cause I honestly care, and I don't want anyone to experience unnecessary pain...I would want someone to do the same for me if I were teetering on a bad decision.
Sorry, I know I'm speaking in code, just musing for myself really.

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