Tuesday, May 19, 2009

not meant to be

I had an unsettling dream last night. I don't remember specifics but I do remember that somehow I was engaged to some guy that was wierd but really did like me but you could tell that no one else really would give him the time of day. I barely knew or liked him like that but i did have this feeling of pity for him. Throughout the dream different guys would ask me if I was seeing anyone etc and I would always say: not really...etc but then stopped and realized that I was engaged and would get this sinking feeling. Don't ask me why I didn't just call it off, but it was almost as if I didn't have a choice. Like I was tied to this heavy thing and couldn't get away. Now I'm sure you're prolly all thinking: clearly this girl has a fear of tieing herself down through marriage etc, is afraid of the committment etc. which, quite frankly, you couldn't be any more wrong, but what I am afraid of is tieing myself to the wrong person-not that there is one specific right person, but there are definitely better people than others. It reminded me of something Marls told me- that she didn't think I could end up with anyone that I wasn't crazy about. Judging by this dream-i would say she is 110% correct. I would rather live my whole life "alone" than be with someone I didn't love. It was just such a horrible feeling to think of being engaged to this person with a sense of dread knowing that I should be happier than any other time in my life etc.
ugh, what an icky feeling.

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