Monday, May 25, 2009

Zzzz's and H2O

It's amazing what a difference it makes when you're sick and you lay down ALL day and you sip water ALL day. You'd be amazed at how fast water goes through you and how many times you have to go. I've made all of these earth shattering discoveries the past few days as I've battled this cold/thingy that I got after cheering at an Astro's game. We won-so it was all worth it. Surprisingly enough it was the first professional sporting event i've been to here in Houston having lived here almost 10 years-what the heck?!
Luckily having the three day weekend has given me extra time to recoup some. True to tradition we're going to a movie as a family today-i'm not sure which but I enjoy going with everyone and normally we go to a family-esque movie like battle at the smithsonian or whatever it's called but we might go to X-men which i still haven't seen. Though me and steve totally wanna go see terminator but i'll live to see it and christian bale another day.

So I got a way cool book from Marlee called: 100 words to make you sound smart and I thought, why should i be the only one to sound smart? so i will share with you a word for every post and today's:

FASTIDIOUS: possessing or displaying meticulous attention to detail. 2: excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste.
ex: "such fastidious tracking allowed him to tell what they had been eating..."

use it in a few sentences today and feel smart 8)

p.s. I need some new music-any suggestions? I'm feeling blah and need something fresh.

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