Monday, May 4, 2009

growing up

yikes. My younger brother is 18. he's adult. I'm not sure how I feel about that but am glad he liked his star wars blanket that I got him-like I said, an adult ;)
There was a sweet batman blanket but I didn't want to force my views onto him and knew I'd be safe with star wars.
So speaking of growing up, I've realized that I have very sneakily been doing that-so sneakily in fact, I almost have not been noticing myself. Examples you ask? happy to oblige:
In the morning before work I've started watching.....the news. I know, crazy right?! Fox & Friends. I mean, i actually look forward to it.
Also, I can't really stay up past 11. When was it....Saturday night I think, it was around 10:45 and i was heading up to my room and was already fighting sleep and just went to bed....10:45!!!!! I'm actually embarrassed about that one-normally I'd totally pop in a movie or surf the internet or read a book-forget it. I mean I used to be able to stay up hours just reading in bed and now I don't know if I'd last more than 30 minutes.
(if i ever get to the point of not making it through the first 20 min of a movie like my mom- shoot me)
Also, I've been a lil restless with my music lately cause most of my cds are packed away up at school and I don't want to reburn all of my itunes library and I dunno...just need something new and this morning I actually started listening to the stations my dad set in the car: 50's, 60's, sinatra style, etc. now, don't get me wrong there is some great music and i luv these styles, just...i'm only a hop, skip, and a jump away from talk radio or NPR and then there's no hiding the fact that i'm all.....adultish.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I listen to NPR. It really is weird how adultish I'm becoming as well. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!
