Sunday, September 27, 2009

emotions are funny things. Have you ever thought about how fast emotions can change? One instant you can be all excited and one little thing happens and your excitement is dashed and you're suddenly extremely frustrated instantly regretting ever feeling excited and it's all pretty much irrational. That pretty much sums up most crushes i've had on guys, but it's ok-I've always liked roller coasters (insert eye roll here). Maybe i should just be more rational and skip out on the high highs and the low lows, or i'll just ignore it per usual and study my brain to a pulp- YEA STUDY!


  1. Have you seen 500 days of summer? If not you need to because it captures EXACTLY what it's like to have a crush on someone and be up and down and all over the place. Can I just say how much I hate crushes for that reason? I'd call you right now but it's 7:30 am...I hope you're still sleeping.

  2. You mentioned pulp---Now I wanna beat someone to a pulp for yanking with you! Keep your chin up, Beautiful! And keep wearing that scarf!!! (smile)
