Monday, June 29, 2009


Yes I realize that I misspelled that-it was on purpose as a pun. It's a pun because I think i have some kind of subconscious vendetta against our family's old white van. The only two mishaps i've had (while i was the driver) are involving the van. The first time I was backing out of a driveway in pecan grove and it wasn't a smooth drive way but had this drop-off or something and I scraped the bottom part of the front bumper. Then, just this morning, i'm backing out of the driveway alongside the van in the new car and I swear I had plenty of room, looked away for a second and partly because the music was on and partly because it's such a tight quite car inside I didn't notice the front left rear veiw mirror rubbing along the side of the van. It left a long black line a long the van-though it'll come off-already did once i started rubbing, but left a lil' smaller than a quarter black mark on the edge of the rear view mirror. ARGH! Or Maybe I just have issues with "backing out" which I guess it's better to be more accident prone backing up than going forward-tend to do that a lot more.
What is it with me and this van-mom echoed my sentiments, i dont' care so much about the van as I do the new car.

In other news, what's with a celeb dying every day? Ed McMan, Farah Fawcett (sp?), Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays (oxy-clean guy). My theory is that there is some type of twisted terrorist plot where every day a celebrity will die until we figure out who the terrorist is and give him a reality tv show called: celebrity hunter.

just a guess.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes---I'm glad there wasn't any more damage than that! Hey, thanks for your message yesterday! Scott and I have work-related plans that night so I'm off the hook. I haven't played well in about 15 years and there's no time for a miracle of that sort. I appreciated your call! Hugs...
