Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who challenges you?

"i lie, i pretend til i'm almost certain-it's a beautiful world".

Good Will Hunting quote:

Sean: Do you have a soul mate?
Will: Define that.
Sean: Someone you can relate to, someone who opens things up for you.
Will: Sure, I got plenty.
Sean: Well, name them.
Will: Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Frost, O'Conner...
Sean: Well that's great. They're all dead.
Will: Not to me, they're not.
Sean: You can't have a lot of dialogue with them.
Will: Not without a heater and some serious smelling salts

That's the trick...finding someone who "opens things up for you", who challenges you in a good way-who takes your thoughts and builds on them, gives and takes-preferably more giving than taking. that excites you and inspires you-not in a cheesy/cliche kind of way but in that they inspire new thought, ideas, help you see something in a new way etc.
That shouldn't be hard to find right?

So I discovered tonight that I have a very vocal stomach. I babysit a girl named greta. She's always laying on me or trying to knock me over etc I tried to explain to her about "bubbles" and now before she goes to get on me she says- "i wanna be in your bubble". well...at least the concept wasn't completely lost.

so anyway, we were laying...lying...(which is it?) on the floor and she had her head on my stomach and she kept saying that I was hungry-that my stomach was growling which I knew I wasn't and couldn't really feel it doing it. But then I started paying attention and focusing in on that part of the body-feeling etc and I began to notice lil gurgles or lil i don't even know what you call it but yea-lil movements goin' on. shrug, i don't really know what this means or how I feel about it-it's just weird.


  1. Uh thought you should know, you were digesting. in about 15 years, the sounds will change to watching a small lump move down your intestines as you lay on your back and watch. I digest loud all the time, and my aunts described the other to me. It sounds like youre following our pattern.

  2. something to look forward to. ;)
