Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Becoming Jane

I had never seen this movie. Heard about it, but forgot. I can't exactly pin point what it was about this movie but it's made an impact.
I mean I cried-granted I wasn't balling like the first time I saw braveheart, it was a dignified sort of cry 8) but...for the life of me I couldn't exactly figure out why it was that I was crying...I mean, the obvious would be that I was crying cause she doesn't end up with the love of her life etc and it's just because of their situation-they both loved each other etc, heck he even named his eldest daughter Jane etc. At first I figured, that's why I'm crying, sooo typical-the girls doesn't get the guy and I'm crying but then I realized that I wasn't feeling particularly sad but...happy for her in a sort of envious way.
whoa whoa whoa, hold on-crazy right? but hear me out. To love someone so much that you selflessly give up the chance of being with them because you know it'll be better for them (in the movie he had to stay respectable and earn money for his family back home and couldn't elope with her) and have them love you in return so much so that they are willing to give something so dear up (the ability to help his family) and go on loving you even after you are on clearly different places in life and have "moved on" what's not to be envious of? I mean, her love for him was enough for her the rest of her life-never married etc. Course who knows, maybe she just didn't marry cause she was jaded against love/too painful, but I choose to see the optomisitic point of view.
At this point I'd just like to apologize and commend any guys who just read through all that. Just...after that movie...I dunno, I was instantly left with the urge to watch it again but couldn't because it was on tv-sad, and listen to just...rich/classical music. It's funny cause before the mission I listened to classical/symphony/soundtrack stuff all the time but since haven't much but now for some reason, because of this movie it's like my thirst for it is back.
I think one reason why i love these types of movies: ya know, the 8 hour long Pride and Prejudice, emma, this movie etc...is because i enjoy watching all of the little subtle things-the little expressions, the polite english conversation that is all prim and proper but really is so loaded with what they're really trying to say...it's....to me, anyway, it's more like real life. It's not some crazy unrealistic thing normally-it's the every day conversations, those little moments or expressions that make dating/love/whatever exciting. At least....for girls....I can't speak for the guys.
I've got to get this movie
I recommend it to all-and I'd just like to totally call attention to the fact that when I first saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and I saw mr. Tumnus-yes the fawn- I said: He is actually really attractive (despite the half goat part) and I totally called it. Sometimes you've just got to look under a few rough edges 8) and I was right, he's really attractive, ya know...all human and all...k....awkward....


  1. No offense, Whit, but I HATED this movie! Mostly because it's totally not true, which seemed so manipulative to me. But, just the same, it made me cry too!
