Thursday, March 19, 2009


I was sitting here and thinking about a conversation that I had with Ben when I was up there. We very briefly touched on the subject of philosophy and I quickly made my opinions known-that I had little patience for it. That people just talk and talk around in circles but never actually get to a conclusion/doesn't do anything etc.
The fact of the matter is, is that I had stored up a lot of frustration towards philosophy/over thinking of things because it was things like that, that had made my only real relationship, so far, a real mess. I watched as a person trapped himself with always thinking philosophically and making very simple things very complicated etc. eh, it was just complicated for him, but I would like to redefine what I meant to say.

I actually think philosophy is really interesting and highly necessary-like Ben pointed out, it really is what different sciences, math etc used to be before they were proven etc. I took a phil class at the Y and it really was interesting to see the bits of truths throughout all of the very different theories-some were closer than others. Not saying that I know all the answers but as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-we believe very strongly in finding truth and where you find it from, anywho...
I do like to get into deep conversations and throw different ideas around. I'll always remember some great conversations I had with companions on the mission that were really cool- gave each other goosebumps.
It's just that my problem is when people abuse philosophy-and it happens all too often- to create their own little moral worlds so that they are able to justify something that they know is wrong. There's a problem when people use philosophy but not to find truth, they use it to achieve a different end, personal gratification or something... I don't know if I said that right, but i'm trying to pin point exactly what it is that bothers me sometimes with philosophy, but I think that's it-just the experiences with an old friend and people misusing etc.
Which, I guess if you want to be technical-all philosophy is, is our ideas and you can't hate ideas just because some people have bad ones etc, you should have the problem with that specific person since there are a lot of good ideas out there...sorry, getting off track anyways,
Truth is truth, and we are meant to use all of our faculties to find it and better understand it-that's one of the things we should be doing here and if we have sincere desires and the right reasons we'll piece together the puzzle, and all the while remembering, some things were never meant to be known in this life-tho it doesn't make it any less fun to throw ideas around 8) sum it up....I respect philosophy and think it's interesting. God gave us brains so we could use them.
Hope that made some sort of sense...

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about people abusing philosophy to create their own moral worlds. I have a friend who is constantly modifying his philosophy on life and religion. to accommodate his latest behaviors. He knows the truth but is constantly shielding himself from it by creating his philosophies. If he can convince himself to believe his latest philosophy, then he doesn't feel as guilty for not following what he knows is true.
