Saturday, March 21, 2009

with a wink and a smile

Today was a good day despite how it started-with my brother's cell phone alarm going off at six a.m. That alone would be enough to frustrate me (i'm not a morning person, but have made huge steps since my mission), but it was the specific alarm. Back when I owned this cell phone we thought it would be funny if Amanda (recently turned Amanda Mckie) recorded herself saying: Whitney your phone is ringing! Answer your phone! Whitney, Whitney! etc so when someone called me-my phone started yelling at me. Well, this is what my brother uses to wake himself up-prolly cause it's the loudest.
So there I am, blissfully sleeping and I'm jarred awake by my old cell yelling at me through the wall: WHITNEY WHITNEY! etc. It would be probably humorous if it just happened once and he turned it off and got up, but no. It goes off for a good minute then I manage to drift off again and it goes off again and continues to go off cause he keeps hitting snooze. Being the calm and tranquil morning person that I am I floated over to the wall and began to lightly tap it and hear the muffled growl-I'm up etc. Once my blood pressure gets back down to normal I am able to drift off, but it's never as good as it was before this little routine. I love my morning routine.

It was one of those Saturdays where you stay in your PJs for most of the day. We took the kids out to Jackson Lake and played on the beach. They were so funny to watch as they got more brave and running out into the water. I think I got some good pictures-I only took about a hundred so a few are bound to come out decent. I must say it's the coolest feeling when you're near a little kid and they're scared of something etc and they run to you and just you holding them makes everything ok. Sabrina was scared at first of the waves and she held on so tight but then by the end of the day she was the one that didn't want to leave.

So I watched twilight tonight. *sigh* I don't want to offend anyone who did like it cause that's totally their prerogative, but......let's just say it wasn't' my cup of tea. I need to be able to feel comfortable, at least at ease and confident in the actors so I can actually invest myself and for the most part it was painful to me with the exception of a few bearable moments. sorry. I hate that's like....when you want something to eat but you have something that's not quite right and you feel so unfulfilled afterwards-almost like you didn't eat at all, well that's how this movie left me feeling. But hey, no biggie-everyone has their different tastes and I'm just glad that I didn't spend money for it (sorry mom 8)
It's so great to see Mike, Jess, and the kids. I'd love to drive up for a weekend or something up to OK but who knows with work etc...but it'd be fun to see it again. It's been a long time. Who knows, I guess we'll see.
Andrea called and it looks like centennial-need to check that out right away and see if they still have a space. It feels kind of weird not caring about where I live feels like it should be this set and coordinated thing, but what's there to coordinate now- there's me.....and me, haha. Well that makes things a lil simpler doesn't it.
Well tomorrow night I start dog sitting for some friends which means staying in some random house for a few days-that will be interesting so that's the explanation if there's a sudden increase in the volume of my blogging in the next few days.


  1. I remember that ring tone, good times. I bet my shrill voice would wake the dead.
