Saturday, April 4, 2009

life dreams *check* hmm...productive weekend

I'm quickly realizing that I need to come up with new dreams and fast. I'm fulfilling dreams that I've had since childhood at record speed. As a kid I just assumed that it wouldn't happen and so I never thought I'd need to come up with back up dreams to replace the ones that I had...a great problem to be faced with. I mean...I used to think that I'd be happy if I could just do a few certain things and I'm not ready to expect nothing more out of life yet, too much time...
I'm talking of course of seeing Les Mes Friday night. I drove (successfully not getting lost I might add) up to the Woodlands and went with Sara and Justin's fam to theatre under the stars and fulfilled a dream I had since I dunno....8? 10 years old? It was way good too, only a few cringe moments and really minor too so it was way good!
Dad is doing the final preperations for us to go to Scotland at the end of the summer...that I never thought would happen so soon...but can NOT describe how excited I am!!! But it won't be my last trip there-right marls? this is just strictly research and reconasence for our trip there at a later point.

so yea...I need new life goals and dreams-asides from the obvious...

I still want to go to New Zealand was never an obsession which takes all the fun and excitement out of it...
well poo...

I want to go back to Russia some day...
I wouldn't mind seeing Jekyll and Hyde-some gorgeous songs....
oh! totally forgot. sheesh, how embarassing- a dream I've had since little too, to go to Egypt and just go explore around in the pyramids, that's still a good dream.
Ireland is still up there too....

I was craving a caeser salad sooo bad today and for dinner dad took us to carrabas and i got their caeser salad iwth chicken and they place, i kid you not, a punch bowl of salad infront of me. I prolly ate 75% of it and proceeded to feel sick and over-stuffed the rest of the night. I had no idea you could feel like that from salad, shrug, but i got my caeser salad fix so all is well.

I got some new running shoes since me and steve are starting our work out schedule monday-i've pretty much just accepted and consigned myself to being in pain the rest of the summer, feel the burn!
I also got a rocket's jersey. IT's #96-artest. I wanted McGrady but this was the only small so i get stuck with some punk that gets in fights and has not the cleanest record as far as those things go-yea! ya know me, the lil gangsta...just how I roll...

sheesh, I'm Abviously way tired and need to hit the pillow...

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