Sunday, April 5, 2009

stay cool boy

Conference was great as usual. It's amazing the difference from on the mish to off the mish tho...and not that conference changed, i'm just already that much less receptive. Well, it's good to get a wake up call every now and then. I was way excited when they called Elder Anderson-I remember him in the past from talks and was always impressed by him.
I watched West Side Story tonight. It's a time when gangs had some culture-I think they had a dance off to get in. A time when gangs wore ties, snapped more, and were actually surprised when a fight ended in death. What a depressing ending, man!
All the same, Bernstein can write some great songs, and I wish that all gangs fought with stylized dances.
So me and steve were joking back and forth and I had asked why military used military time when everyone knew what it meant-not like it's a secret, and dad points out that so they don't get mixed up with am or pm etc, don't want men attacking twelve hours earlier etc. some how steve brings up that what if they accidentally attacked a circus and that would just be awkward for everyone. So we proceeded to joke about what if the soldiers thought the circus was terrorists: "(homer scream) they've got tigers!" This is just a snippet of how the average conversation goes during Sunday night game night (well, between me and steve that is, mom normally laughs and dad either begrudgingly smiles or trys to ignore us and think of how much to bid).
*complete subject change*
Where have all the good movies gone?
seriously, I want to know...I'm trying to decide if it's just my picky RM self acting up or if movies so far since i've been home or really as bad as they seem. I mean, I remember growing up as a kid there were so many great movies that I would get sooo excited for and anticipating and go to the theatre and see it and totally be satisfied and fulfilled-lived up to my expecations etc....I have yet to see one preview that I thought worth going to the theatre for-I loved to go to the theatre. I mean, maybe i'm missing them, but seriously....are my standards too high now? am I destined to be unsatisfied forever or has Hollywood stopped trying? I wont' rule out the fact that I have changed somewhat from the mish as far as what movies i like to watch, but I'd like to think i haven't changed THAT much and am hoping the movies are just seriously not good, cause I really like getting excited about a movie and it actually living up to all the hype...
where have all the good movies gone?

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