Friday, April 10, 2009


So yet again I am dog sitting but this time I have no internet access over there-NO!!!!!!!!!

so if you want to communicate with me,you will have to call me- dun dun dun! I know, i'm sorry, so i'm expecting a very quiet weekend, sigh.

my car is really pretty and shiny on account I washed it and cleaned it and boy did it need it. Why do we always get white cars? someone tell me...wouldn't silver be better-at least better at hiding the dirt...o well.

so at work I learned about snuggies...have you heard of this?! i fell in love with the infomercial. They are totally right, blankets ARE confusing! I'm glad someone has finally stepped up to the plate and solved this problem for us that has been plaguing us for so long. I'm calling it right now, they WILL make them for dogs, it's only a matter of time.

i'll include the infomercial for your viewing pleasure below, no need to thank me.


  1. oh my GOSH i am so happy you brought up snuggies. i've been trying to convince justin of their goodness for months now!! this is what he says: "sorry i don't want to come home to my family looking like pagan monks."

  2. have to admit, old guys look creepy in them...
