Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my dog is on facebook (of sorts)

As I was walking my dog today I realized that dogs totally had facebook figured out before us. I mean, do you honestly think that dogs are all excited to go for a walk for the excercise? please, they're totally excited to check all of their different posts/comments etc. Every lil tree/bush-there's a message. They're just excited to check and see what's the neighborhood buzz, who's chased a squirrel, who got steak for dinner, and most importantly how the cute lil poodle down the street is doing. I was realizing all of this as I was impatiently waiting for copper to stop at every lil thing and sniffing and I thought: I prolly wouldn't like it if somebody was bugging me and rushing me if I was trying to answer someone on facebook or write in here so I at least stopped pulling on his leash. My dog is a slow reader of his messages-honestly how long do you have to sniff it-read faster! but he's a fast writer so I guess it balances out. I wondered what you would call their network, but if it were similar concept to facebook-it prolly wouldn't have a very cute name...just random thoughts-it was a beautiful day not hot not cold. I watched meet joe black for the first time-one of my 5$ movies and really liked it 8) Brad Pitt was great in it, such funny timing/expressions etc. and I totally called the soundtrack-it was so obviously Thomas Newman all his stuff sounds similar-all gorgeous but just not varied: horse whisperer, nemo, meet joe black-very similar.

I got my contracts for my apartment in the fall and looking at the total i'd be paying for the two semesters made me gulp-i know it's reasonable, i just don't like looking at the big total sum-i'd rather pay as I go and not think of how much I was draining out of my account in the end.

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